Let Me Drop Some Information On You

Any time someone asks me to tell them about myself I have a minor existential crisis. “Oh God! Who am I?” It isn’t because I don’t know who I am but because I don’t know how to condense everything about myself into the acceptable span of time I can answer that question in. So rather than telling you about myself I’ll tell you a little about the blog (if you read the whole blog you’ll get a lot of who I am anyway).

This blog is called Hot, Strong, and Totally Steamed for a couple of reasons. The main one is the fact that I thought I was incredibly clever during my senior year of college and that it could describe either a really good latte or an angry hulk-like version of myself. At the time I mostly only blogged about things I found frustrating (if you ask me what I bring to a relationship my go to answer is “sarcasm and hostility mostly.”) so being “hot, strong, and totally steamed” made me smile. I primarily blog about super heroes and my life so if you like those sorts of things then you will be content reading my content. ENJOY.

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